灾难,紧急 & 疏散计划


在持续的紧急情况或其他需要广播最新信息的情况下, 这所大学有一个 安全警报系统

This system is designed to allow the university to notify all faculty, 学生, 和员工在短时间内. The information will be disseminated in the form of voicemail, 电子邮件, and text messages on up to five phone numbers provided by the faculty, 工作人员, 或学生. Upon receipt of the message follow the directions. 这条信息将跟随语音录音:“这是来自佛罗里达科技安全公司的信息...“请遵照所有指示. 您可能会收到几条信息,因为所有通信都是通过提供给我们的所有号码传播的.   






如果部门使用电话树,则应在通知撤离或返回工作信息后实施.  请确保每个部门都有专人通知校外员工和/或兼职教师.


Tornadoes and hurricanes can inflict heavy casualties and damage. 制作任何东西都非常困难, other than routine preparation for 龙卷风, because of their unpredictability and the lack of reliable warning information. 飓风, 然而, 通常要有足够的准备时间来采取行动,尽量减少损失,并有助于及时恢复.



For the purpose of clarification, the following definitions are noted:

这是飓风对佛罗里达东海岸部分地区构成明确威胁的第一个警告. 该预警通常在预计风暴袭击海岸前48小时发布. Landfall of the hurricane is uncertain and broad geographic areas are alerted. This is the time for preliminary storm preparation.
通常在预计风暴袭击海岸前36小时发布(太空海岸). More accurate landfall is predicted, with narrower geographic boundaries.

Should 亚洲博彩平台 fall under a Hurricane Watch, 请学生将收音机或电视调到本节中列出的其中一个电台,以获取有关飓风的最新信息.


  • All electrical equipment (stereos, computers, radios, etc.) should be placed on the floor and unplugged.
  • All loose objects should be placed in drawers or lockers. 文件、书籍等.,不能放在桌子上.
  • All windows should be closed tightly and locked, and curtains should be closed.
  • 贵重物品应放在可上锁的抽屉或储物柜里,并在暴风雨期间保持上锁状态. Doors should be locked when occupants are not in the room.
  • 拥有汽车的学生应设置紧急刹车,并将汽车置于停车或倒车档. All windows should be closed and the car locked.
  • No motor vehicles of any type may be stored inside the apartments. 这违反了当地的消防法规,并危及邻近公寓的居民. Any vehicles found inside apartments will be removed at the owner’s expense.
  • 学生应自备电池供电的手电筒(有备用电池),以防停电. Candles or other flame type lighting should not be used under any circumstance; fire is uncontrollable 在 a hurricane.
  • 黑豹餐厅将成为飓风紧急期间所有餐饮服务活动的中心.
  • 黑豹餐厅的最后一餐将在预计风暴登陆前至少12小时结束. Depending on the severity of the storm (category 1 or higher), 在最后一餐服务期间,将发放装有零食和水的“生存袋”.
  • 当拿起食物和水供应, 留在该地区的学生和工作人员将被确认身份,并被要求说明他们在风暴期间打算呆在哪里. That information will be forwarded to the Department of 安全.
  • Refill all medications and keep them with you. 
  • 强烈建议当地居民在暴风雨期间回家,并在出发前通知住宿生活工作人员. 万一发生飓风, 我们鼓励所有学生联系他们的父母/法定监护人了解他们的撤离计划.
  • 万一发生飓风, 强烈建议所有学生在暴风雨期间在校外寻找适当的避难所,并在出发前通知住宿生活工作人员. 除了, 所有学生都被要求联系他们的父母/法定监护人,了解他们的撤离计划.


  • If the university has not evacuated the campus/closed 住宅设施, 在整个飓风期间,所有选择留在校园的居民都必须呆在室内. 除非在宿舍生活工作人员的指示下,否则居民不得离开他们的生活单位. 根据风暴的严重程度,校园宵禁可能在风暴期间和之后生效.
  • For maximum safety 在 the peak of the storm, residents should close their doors and remain in the hallway. If you are not familiar with a hurricane, there is always a lull in the storm when the eye passes through the area. 一旦眼睛穿过, 暴风雨又开始了, but with the winds coming from the opposite direction.
  • Remain away from danger areas, such as glass windows. Do not attempt to open doors or windows to see what is happening.
  • Report all accidents, injuries, broken windows and excessive water to your RA.
  • Telephone calls should only be made in case of an emergency.
  • “飓风派对”是不允许的. 不要喝酒. Everyone needs to think clearly 在 a hurricane.
Southgate Apartments, 哥伦比亚的村庄 and Harris Village :

除了 to the procedures outlined above, 索斯盖特公寓的住户, 哥伦比亚的村庄, and Harris Village are alerted to the following procedures:

  • 将烹饪容器装满饮用水,并将其储存在冰箱中.
  • Fill the bathtub one-half full of water for washing, flushing the toilet, etc.,以防供水中断.
  • 手头有足够的罐头食品和其他不易变质的食品,可以维持至少三(3)天. Note: Do not rely on the use of electric can openers.


校园疏散可能由布里瓦德县应急管理部门或根据风暴的严重程度下令, the university may evacuate the campus and close 住宅设施. 校园和/或住宅设施将一直关闭,直到所有服务都恢复并被认为是安全的.

The Brevard County Authority that is tasked with disaster planning is the "Emergency Management and Communications Division" 在罗克利奇雪松街1746号. The phone number for the facility is 321-637-6670, for information 在 disasters only, call 321-637-6674.

The closest evacuation center(s) to 亚洲博彩平台 are:

  • Sherwood Elementary School, 2541 Post Road, Melbourne
  • Bayside High School, 1901 DeGroodt Road SW, Palm Bay

If, 暴风雨前, 学生们担心自己的安全,更愿意去疏散中心, 他们应该这样做, but first should notify their RA and parents/legal guardians of their intentions.  Remember to take all medications with you. 学生 should provide their own toiletries, 衣服, 毯子, pillows and food; generally, there will be none provided by the shelter.

机动车所有人、经营人应当自行前往疏散现场,并为他人提供交通工具. 只要确定安全,学校将提供有限的班车服务到指定的避难所. Shuttle schedules will be posted at Panther Dining Hall, 住宅设施, 以及安全部门. 学校保留紧急调动和/或限制学生进入宿舍/公寓的权利, 在, 或者在任何风暴之后.

在大学因飓风关闭期间,将不退还任何费用, 龙卷风, 或者其他自然灾害. In the event an evacuation of campus is ordered, the university is not a designated shelter and will not provide shelter to anyone.



  • WMMB 1240 KHZ
  • Wtai 1560 KHZ


  • 第二频道
  • WKMG第六频道
  • WFTV第九频道


  • WFIT 89.5兆赫
  • WRLQ 99.3兆赫
  • WGGD 102.3兆赫
  • WHKR 102.7
  • WAIA 107.1兆赫兹




在暴风雨来临之前,为你和你的家人在家里、工作场所、学校和户外制定一个计划. Keep a map of approaching storm movements by listening to weather bulletins. Have a NOAA weather radio to receive warnings. If planning to be outdoors, listen to the latest forecasts and plan accordingly.

Occasionally, 龙卷风 develop so rapidly that advance warning is not possible. Remain alert for signs of an approaching tornado. Flying debris from 龙卷风 causes most deaths and injuries. 如果你看到黑暗, 常作绿色天空, 墙云, 大冰雹, or hear a loud roar similar to a freight train, 立即躲起来.


在家中或建筑物中保持安全, 搬到预先指定的避难所, 比如地下室, interior room or hallway on the lowest floor, and get under a sturdy piece of furniture. 远离窗户. 远离汽车. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car; instead, leave it immediately. If caught outside or in a vehicle, lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression.
