Mechanical Engineering, M.S.

Mechanical Engineering, M.S.



The mechanical engineering graduate program at Florida Tech provides a course of study that advances engineers in their professional careers or prepares them for further study in a doctoral program.

提供论文和非论文两种选择, a master’s in mechanical engineering gives graduates advanced knowledge in the analysis, design, 以及机器制造, engines, products, and technologies. This multidisciplinary approach mimics the expertise and problem-solving capabilities that graduates are expected to have once in the workplace.

The mechanical engineering master’s program can be earned on either a full-time or part-time basis. Students in the master’s in mechanical engineering program must choose one of the following areas of specialization:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • 动态系统-机器人与控制
  • 氢和燃料电池技术
  • 结构:固体力学和材料
  • Thermal Fluid Sciences

Gain Practical Experience

因为亚洲博彩平台是一流的研究机构, students in the master’s in mechanical engineering program participate in rigorous scientific research—both faculty-led research and projects of their own choosing.

In addition, mechanical engineering majors build leadership and professional experience through internships, 研究生研究/学生助教, 以及NASA等机构提供的研究奖学金, 美国国家科学基金会, Boeing, 大学研究生奖学金, 以及美国女工程师协会.

学习经历包括系统/系统设计, manufacturing and testing, 计算流体动力学与仿真, 以及复杂系统的研究和开发. The university is surrounded by thriving organizations such as NASA/Kennedy Space Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Embraer, GE, Harris, and Piper Aircraft, 谁提供实习和就业机会.


The university’s reputation is built on a solid record of graduate education and faculty and student research. Graduate students at Florida Tech benefit from a wide range of advanced courses to learn the latest body of knowledge in the field. Excellent research facilities and infrastructure where students conduct state-of-the-art research include the 国家氢研究中心, 佛罗里达汽车研究中心, 以及能源系统研究所.


Florida Tech’s highly distinguished faculty holds a wide range of research interests in instrumentation and control, mechatronics, robotics, biomechanics, computer-aided design, alternative energy, and more. A low student-to-faculty ratio allows professors a chance to mentor students in the mechanical engineering master’s program. NASA, 国防高级研究计划局, 空军科学研究办公室, 美国国家科学基金会, the State of Florida, 和能源部最近资助了教师研究项目.

Faculty members are professional engineers who also conduct research in which graduate students can participate and contribute including such projects as:

  • 机器人机械系统设计
  • Theoretical kinematics
  • Laser material processing
  • Bio-heat transfer
  • Automobile aerodynamics
  • Thermodynamic power cycles

The faculty members offer a rich and varied background including professional consulting and military experience.

Great Florida Location

While many graduate students are already working professionals in the local area, other master’s candidates choose the mechanical engineering master’s program at Florida Tech for its prime location in the heart of Florida’s Space Coast near one of the nation’s largest high-tech workforces.

Excellent Career Potential

Graduates find a wide range of career options with a degree from Florida Tech’s mechanical engineering master’s program. 机械工程师在航空航天等行业工作, electronics, railway, government and defense, materials and metals, 建筑和汽车行业, to name a few. Demand for mechanical engineers is growing through 2022 with new job opportunities in alternative energy, 纳米技术与汽车. 哈里斯公司(Harris Corp .)等雇主.通用电气、美国空军和普惠公司 & 惠特尼雇佣了佛罗里达的毕业生.

从教师主导的研究机会, internships, 以及助教奖学金, 一对一的指导等等, this diversified learning environment makes Florida Tech one of the top mechanical engineering programs in the country.


亚洲博彩平台,实践经验是宝贵的一部分. 机械工程实习, assistantships and participation in research projects provides students with real-world experience outside the classroom. These opportunities give students new insight of the field and allow students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences.

Florida Tech students have completed civil engineering internships with scores of consulting companies and government agencies, including NASA, Harris Corp.主流工程公司和波音公司.

Research Facilities

机械工程实习 or assistantships aren’t the only learning opportunities outside of classroom study. Florida Tech students can take part in real-world research that prepares them for a future career or doctoral program.


  • 国家氢研究中心
  • 佛罗里达汽车研究中心
  • 无线卓越中心
  • 航天商业化工程学院
  • 风和飓风影响研究实验室
  • 激光、光学和仪器实验室
  • 能源系统研究所
  • Low-speed wind tunnel
  • 动态系统和控制实验室
  • Drop tower
  • Shaker table
  • Materials testing machine
  • Composite manufacturing lab
  • Cascade tunnel, laser
  • 光学与仪器实验室
  • 机器人与空间系统实验室
  • 热等离子体喷雾和高热流密度测试实验室
  • 汽车工程测试实验室

In addition to potential mechanical engineering internships or teaching and research assistantships, Florida Tech graduate students undertake their own research project if they choose to complete a master’s thesis. Graduate students are often published in respected engineering journals including 美国航空航天,ASME和AIAA期刊,流体力学杂志, and Physics of Fluids.

Students often collaborate with numerous organizations for mechanical engineering internships or research projects including:

  • NASA
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Defense
  • 佛罗里达州运输部
  • 联邦航空管理局
  • 空军研究实验室


Mechanical engineering careers involve a variety of job skills and typically include research, design, development, 机械设备的制造和测试, tools, engines and machines. 根据美国劳工部的数据, 机械工程是最广泛的工程学科之一, 给毕业生许多不同的就业机会.

Career Outlook

The 职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, among other things. According to the bureau, mechanical engineering careers are the second-largest engineering occupations in the country, 提供工程服务方面的工作, research and development, manufacturing, and the federal government.

Many Florida Tech master’s graduates continue their education in a doctoral program. 对于那些选择进入劳动力市场的人, the BLS reports that employment growth for mechanical engineers is expected to grow 9% from 2010–2020, with job prospects best for those who find jobs in the newest growth sectors including nanotechnology, alternative energy, 汽车(混合动力汽车).

Career Options

  • Materials engineer
  • 机械工程技术员
  • Design engineer
  • Project engineer
  • Petroleum engineer
  • Aerospace engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • 电气和电子工程技术员
  • 电气电子工程师

Potential Employers


  • Raytheon
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Boeing
  • Harris Corp.
  • GE
  • US Air Force
  • US Navy
  • US Army
  • NASA

Doctoral Program

Graduates from the mechanical engineering master’s program are ready to enter the workforce or pursue a doctoral degree at Florida Tech. 该计划旨在进一步研究和专业化. 拥有博士学位的毕业生成为学科专家, increasing their earning potential and leadership opportunities in their career.

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