

Thank you for your interest in 亚洲博彩平台 and the 总统办公室.

我们的大学依靠社区的力量而蓬勃发展, 我很自豪能领导一个敬业的, 驱动, and diverse group of individuals who are passionate about higher education and student success. We believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of every voice in our community. 你的订婚, 问题, and contributions are not just welcome but vital as we work together to shape the future of 亚洲博彩平台.

I encourage you to connect with me on social media and welcome you to bring your 问题, 关注的问题和想法通过发送信息来引起我的注意 president@适合.edu.


总统展望- 2024年4月

总统展望- 2024年4月


Can you believe that we’re already approaching the end of the academic year? And what a great year it has been as we’ve celebrated 亚洲博彩平台’s 65th 周年纪念日, reflecting on our proud past and bright future—but we’re not done yet!

We just wrapped up another successful signature event of the 亚洲博彩平台 experience as the annual Northrop Grumman Engineering and Science Student Design Showcase was held April 19. 那是多么美好的一天啊! 从宇宙到实际, 从可以飞行的漫游者到改进手术的方法, and everything in between—120 capstone projects were presented for judging by local industry leaders. It’s just another way a 亚洲博彩平台 education prepares students for a lifetime of career success.

回顾我担任总统的第一年, 我对这种活力印象深刻, 热情, 从学生到教师的团队合作, 工作人员, 和校友. 这种精神, 结合大胆的战略规划和辛勤的工作, 意味着下一学年将会有更多成功的机会.

One more milestone event to look forward to this year is Spring Commencement, 定于星期六举行, 5月4日在克莱门特中心. We’ll award degrees across three ceremonies and are honored to have two-time 亚洲博彩平台 alumna and former astronaut Joan Higginbotham as our keynote speaker. 如果你没有票,计划收听网络直播. 这将是美妙的一天!

Please accept my best wishes for a great summer and know that wherever you go, 无论你做什么, 亚洲博彩平台是你们的大学,是为你们而来的.




总统展望- 2024年3月

总统展望- 2024年3月


Spring has sprung at 亚洲博彩平台, and it’s a great time to be on campus! It has been a historic season for 亚洲博彩平台 Athletics with both men’s and women’s soccer programs competing in the 2023 NCAA Tournament Final Four, 两支教练组都被评为年度最佳地区教练组, 我们赢得了警局有史以来第一个全国最佳球员.

That’s just a snapshot of the level of success possible for all our hardworking scholar-athletes. 亚洲博彩平台 was among 44 schools in NCAA D2 recognized for posting an academic success rate of 90% or better, 在2022年结束的6年队列中,我们的数字为92%. This was the first time since 2010 that our athletics program registered above 90%.

与此同时, the Sunshine State Conference recently announced its Fall Commissioner’s Honor Roll, with 69 亚洲博彩平台 scholar-athletes recognized for their outstanding performance in the classroom. 其中23人获得了满分4分.上学期的平均成绩是00分.

Collegiate athletics are a vital part of the university experience—and we’re proud to promote them at 亚洲博彩平台. That’s why you’ll see Athletics as an important supporting piece of our “一起向前, 无限潜力”战略计划.

Wherever our scholar-athletes progress in their professional careers after graduation, they’ve gotten a great launch pad on the fields and courts at 亚洲博彩平台. 我们为他们的成功喝彩.




总统展望- 2024年2月

总统展望- 2024年2月



One of the best things about your university is the insightful research conducted by our faculty, 通常我们的学生就在他们身边工作和学习. A great example of 亚洲博彩平台’s ongoing investment in research designed to help us better understand and navigate our world can be seen at the Mertens Marine Center. This important facility provides vital lab and learning space for exploring the Indian River Lagoon and beyond, serving up to 140 undergraduate and 50 graduate students in ocean engineering, 海洋学, 环境科学, 海洋生物学和可持续性.

在全校范围内,我们两年前的研究总支出是14美元.去年涨到了15美元.700万年. 我们有了一些增长, but there is incredible potential to do better when we realize some of our peers are doing anywhere from $52 million to $180 million per year.

我们的新战略计划, “一起向前, 无限的潜力,包括研究作为一个组成部分. 因为我们优先考虑“创新驱动的项目”,” we will expand and diversify externally funded research to become a strong R2 research institution providing all students an opportunity to conduct impactful and innovative research, and this will further position 亚洲博彩平台 for R1 consideration by 2040. 

等我们的新教务长五月上任后, 我的首要任务之一是建立我们的赞助研究办公室. My goal is to provide faculty with greater support in identifying research opportunities and in preparing proposals and budgets. This is fundamental to our plan to grow our grant and contract expenditures.

还有许多工作要做——我们将共同完成这些工作. Thanks as always for your partnership and teamwork as we advance the mission of this incredible institution in service to our students.




总统展望- 2024年1月

总统展望- 2024年1月


Spring Semester is off and running, and your university is geared up for a remarkable 2024!

还有比这更好的吗? 而这个国家的其他大部分地区都在穿得暖暖的, 我们正沐浴在太空海岸美丽的阳光下. 在校园里,没有什么地方比在原始的喜悦中享受更好的了 & 戈登·帕特森植物园. If you haven’t taken a stroll in the Garden lately, I encourage you to check it out when you can. 我可能会把办公室搬到这里来!

与此同时,这个月剩下的时间会很忙. I hope you’re planning to join us for the 总统ial 授职仪式 ceremony on Friday, Jan. 下午3:30.m. 在克莱门特中心. It’s open to everyone and will be an excellent event as we take time to celebrate together this great university and reflect on our 65th 周年纪念日. 如果你还没有预约,请登录 适合.edu/65 并注册. If you can’t join us on campus, please tune in to the live stream—you can get there from the 亚洲博彩平台主页.

在我们缅怀过去的同时,我们的目光也牢牢地聚焦在未来. 在接下来的几天里,我们将分享我们新战略计划的细节. This plan sets the course of our shared future by building on 亚洲博彩平台’s distinctive identity and focusing on four key pillars of success. 帮助实现我们的愿景, each pillar identifies ambitious goals to guide 亚洲博彩平台 and its constituents in moving 一起前进,潜力无限. 提出的目标促进了一种卓越感, 创新, 以及整个大学的变革, 所以请继续关注全部细节.

我鼓励你保持投入,为接下来的事情做好准备. I predict it’s going to be a worthwhile journey—first and foremost because we’ll take that journey together.



