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BACB Eligibility Requirements are changing:

BACB Eligibility Requirements are changing Jan. 1, 2027. 我们将从2025年春季开始对新的硕士学生和2025年夏季开始对新的研究生证书学生分阶段实施新的要求. All VCS courses will become 3 credits. If you cannot test before Jan. 1, 2027, bridging courses will be availible. You can review BACB changes here: 2022年3月通讯.

Plans Of Study And General Advising

阿坝在线 students are not assigned advisors. 学生服务团队将指导您选择以下Plan of Study之一.  Plan of Study是基于你在亚洲博彩平台的项目和之前的课程. Please select the St和ard Plan of Assistant 行为分析, 行为分析, 或硕士学位,除非你已经完成了亚洲博彩平台的课程. 

Use the Downloadable version of your plan of study 和 你在爪子的非正式成绩单或CAPP报告,以确定你是否有望毕业,以及何时应该申请毕业.  (以前的第4版亚洲博彩平台的学生将需要使用CAPP报告版本.)

How to find your unofficial transcript: 非官方的成绩单

如何运行CAPP报告: 毕业申请书

咨询问题可以通过电子邮件发送到ABA在线办公室 abaonline@适合.edu



具体的学期注册和开始日期,以及其他截止日期,请访问 Office of the Registrar’s academic calendar. Choose the semester at the top of the page, 和 then scroll down to 在线行为分析 查看所有相关日期.

Plan of Study

 Plan of Study是由学生决定他们每学期要注册的课程.  学生将根据录取的课程选择标准Plan of Study. 第一学期为学生入学的第一学期.e. 春天,夏天,还是秋天.)由于材料的复合性质,学生将完全按照所指示的计划进行. 在学习下一门课程之前,掌握之前课程的内容是很重要的. Not following the Plan of Study can result in delay of graduation, 重复的课程, 或者一门课不及格.

以前亚洲博彩平台的学生完成了第四版任务清单课程,可以选择完成修改后的Plan of Study. 请查看以下选项并选择最符合您标准的Plan of Study.

注意: *If you completed BEHP5011 more than five years ago, please use the st和ard plan for your program.

如果您对Plan of Study有特殊的例外情况,请发送电子邮件至 abaonline@适合.edu

Course Information

查看课程网格: 当然网格

课程时间表学期: Semesters are 15 weeks in duration.

15 weeks: (1 credit courses)


Weeks 1- 11: (3 credit courses)

BEH 5041, BEH 5042, BEH 5043, BEH 5048, BEH 5049

Weeks 1-10: (1 credit course)


Weeks 1-8: (1 credit course)


Weeks 1-5: (1 credit courses)

Beh 5073, Beh 5074

Week 11: (0 credit course)


Weeks 11-15: (1 credit courses)



请注意:以下课程 举行在线会议. 所有学生将注册一个部分,课程将是异步的.



University 目录 Course Descriptions: Look up a short description of each course. The course titles 和 course IDs are listed on your plan of study.

Behavior Analysis Class Schedule: View your online meeting options before you register. 请记住,在线会议选项是在东部时区.



课程将有一个1小时,每周在线会议,你将被要求参加. 注册课程时,列出的时间将是您安排的在线会议时间.  Online meeting times are in EST (Eastern St和ard Timezone). 

Schedule for classes can be found here: Behavior Analysis Class Schedule . ABA在线学生只能注册以“W”开头的课程.e. W01、W05、W22等..)

  1. 登录到 爪子.
  2. 单击Student选项卡.
  3. Click on the 登记 tab.
  4. Click on Look up classes to add.
  5. Select 搜索 by term (for example: Fall 2021).
  6. Select the appropriate school: Behavior Analysis
  7. Scroll to the course number, ex., 5041, 和 click View Selections.
  8. 这将拉出可用的在线会议部分的整个列表.
  9. 选择你想在课程期间参加的课程,并通过单击最左边相应的复选框添加它.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page 和 click Register. 

请注意:在每个学期的加/退截止日期之前,注册你Plan of Study中列出的所有学期课程是很重要的, 包括学期初未开课的课程. All changes to your schedule, including online meeting time changes, must be made before the add/drop deadline each semester.

Payment/Financial 信息

行政长官办公室 金融援助 can be reached via email at finaid@适合.edu for any questions regarding FAFSA, loans, or financial aid.

行政长官办公室 学生会计 can be reached via email at studentacctg@适合.edu 帮你付款.

行政长官办公室 账户管理 can be reached via email at acctmgmt@适合.edu 关于Panther付款计划、付款截止日期等任何问题.

Please review the for tuition. 

注意: Courses that are part of VCS certificate M.A. 行为分析实践学位课程均按证书率进行.


如果你申请了错误的专业或者想换专业, please review the following processing options.



  • 证书→硕士
  • 硕士→证书
  • 4th/5th Transition Coursework→ Certificate/Master's
  • 证书/硕士→第四/第五过渡课程(非预科生)


  1. 登录到 your application portal
  2. Click the blue link that says “graduate”
  3. Once in the portal click “request to change your major”
  4. 提交请求.
    •  申请转读硕士课程的学生必须上传一份成绩单来完成申请.


  • 证书单板证书
  • Certificate → “along the way” to master’s
    • " along the way "(一路走来的)学生参加了硕士课程,但想要获得"一路走来的"证书。


  1. 给学生记录部发电子邮件,要求更改专业表格: student-records@适合.edu
  2. Complete the PDF/hardcopy form
  3. Obtain the required signatures
  4. Return the form to the Student Records department for processing: student-records@适合.edu.


  • Transition to another Master's degree program
  • Transition to or from on-campus


  1. 至:
  2. Choose the 爪子 link under the 登记 标题
  3. Login using your Tracks login credentials.
  4. 选择Student 选项卡,然后更改Major

